2 Timothy 3:16- All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

Sharpened Sword: A Study Guide to Include in One’s Spiritual Armory.

The Sharpened Sword study guide is now available. This is a comprehensive, downloadable study guide that breaks down important topics such as obedience and doctrine with verified references of the scriptures. Subscribe below and receive an invoice from “Sovereign Domains” which is affiliated with the receiving of your digital copy of the Sharpened Sword study guide.


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4 responses to “Sharpened Sword: A Study Guide to Include in One’s Spiritual Armory.”

  1. […] that they fear man mor than they do YAH, this is a very serious folly. As one can learn from Sharpened Sword: A Study Guide to Include in One’s Spiritual Armory YAH’s laws are designed for us to be protected from our own understanding which is vulnerable […]


  2. […] The individuals we know of who are attractors and creators of drama should be kept far away from us. These individuals are at enimity with YAH at any moment they can face his wrath. Your association with them can also put you in the way of such recompense. These dynamics are discussed further in Sharpen Sword: A Study Guide to Include in One’s Spiritual Armory. […]


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