2 Timothy 3:16- All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

The Code

Psalms 40:8- I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart.

In the United States alone, there are over 30,000 laws that have been set in place since 1789 as recorded by List of United States federal legislation. Many people of decency do not have a problem staying within the laws of the world….HOWEVER; when it comes to staying within the laws of The Most High many of these same decent citizens will make excuses such as ” we can’t keep all of God’s laws” or “Jesus died so we won’t be in bondage of the law”.

With this being stated, many of these same people who also consider themselves to be “belivers” are admitting that they fear man mor than they do YAH, this is a very serious folly. As one can learn from Sharpened Sword: A Study Guide to Include in One’s Spiritual Armory YAH’s laws are designed for us to be protected from our own understanding which is vulnerable to the deceptive traps of Ha Satan.

Being obedient to YAH’s laws allows us to be blessed beyond measure because it is what He desires of us. The Messiah advocates the same obidence to YAH as well as the faith in him. We will never know better than YAH, it is a very unwise thing to despise the establishment He has set in place….The Messiah didn’t despise the law of YAH he remained in full complience to it; much like decent citizens are to the laws of the world.

Next post: But What did YAH say?


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