2 Timothy 3:16- All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

But What Did YAH Say?

Romans 3:4- God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.

Let’s get right to it, the mind of man is demented without The Most High. We are aware of this by the examples that are set everyday by people who are led by their own thoughts and feelings. We see the results of such a mind without YAH by the poor decisions and conclusions that people end up paying for. 

The tragic results from cults like the cults of Jim Jones, Malachi Z York, David Koresh and many others are clear examples of people who were led by their own understanding. Being further deceived by the dogma of other men who were also given over to their own understanding and pimped out by Ha Satan. Even in this Truth you have brothers and sisters who do the same and have demonic influence over other while professing the name of YAH. 

There are so many doctrines and philosophies of the wicked that are largely popular and have many people deceived and living by them. Everything that we know of on a mainstream scale are the devices of such, devices of people who are in direct alliance with Ha Satan through many variables of folly.

Precept must be upon precept and they must align accordingly within any doctrine and that’s why Sharpened Sword: A study guide for one to include in their spiritual armory is complied accordingly. Anyone who speaks a doctrine without providing the receipts of the precepts and scriptures is vainly pushing their own doctrine. They are not being lead by The Holy Spirit and are also leading those under their influence to error.

Next Post: No Dealings With Foolishness


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